Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gordon Girl Extravaganza: San Fran Edition

Okay, I am destined to be a month (or more!) behind.  Here are some shots of the trip that Katie and Sarah and I took to San Francisco at the end of June.  

We had such a good time!  All of our earlier Gordon Girl Extravaganzas involved seedy motels in Gatlinburg and "fun" things like driving across NC and back in a weekend.  This one was definitely an upgrade!

We stayed right downtown, had lovely shopping times and just meandered all over the city.  The Mission District was one of my favorite areas (note the tasty fig ice cream from an indian market) and walked from there over to Haight-Asbury (learning how to pronounce it on the way), stopping off at the top of one of the highest hills in the city where we could see all the way across to the bay and the bridge. 

We rented a car (all they had was a mini Cooper- darn!) and drove through the Napa Valley one day and then biked to the Golden Gate bridge the next.  We fit as much as we could in 4 days and had such a good time.  I guess to get any better than this, we'll have to go to Paris for our next trip!

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