Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Great Quote

Garrison Keeler read a great quote on The Writer's Almanac today, a quote from Barbara Kingsolver that is so good I want to share it. She once said: "It is harrowing for me to try to teach 20 year old students, who earnestly want to improve their writing. The best I can think to tell them is: Quit smoking, and observe posted speed limits. This will improve your odds of getting old enough to be wise." 

His father's son

The hat, the tomato.  This little man is an Eichelberger.
(sorry you have to turn your head sideways... we always forget when videoing).

Friday, April 3, 2009

A little bit of Mamaw for your day.

Here she is telling me about "the old days" and clearing off the hill on our land.  Below it a picture of the hill NOT covered in mist. And some cuties.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6 months and some

Alright, alright.  Someone is PAST six months now, but here are his half-birthday portraits.  I really just had no idea what mom-hood was going to be like seven months ago, but we are rolling along with it!  Spring coming has been wonderful.  I am so glad to see his baby toes and to meet people for walks and hikes and such.
And this boy o' mine.  He is a keeper.  Such a kind and happy spirit- such a sweet smile to add a new and deep joy to all of my days.  He loves standing and jumping (assisted, of course).  Sitting is fine and all, but he tends to take a sideways dive after a few minutes.  
Six months has also found us leaving Bryce and Eli for more boy time.  It was like all of the sudden I started to feel attached and a bit crazy (just ask my mom- after I had way too much fun riding a four wheeler in Kentucky, she seemed a bit concerned for me.)  A few hours out here and there has been just what I needed.  Bryce loves adventures with a baby to the grocery store, so I am blessed in that way.  In so many ways!
Oh, and eating.  We are eating a bit here and there... and Eli likes food just fine- just like his parents.  Just wait until he finds out about hamburgers. And Kettle Chips.