Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6 months and some

Alright, alright.  Someone is PAST six months now, but here are his half-birthday portraits.  I really just had no idea what mom-hood was going to be like seven months ago, but we are rolling along with it!  Spring coming has been wonderful.  I am so glad to see his baby toes and to meet people for walks and hikes and such.
And this boy o' mine.  He is a keeper.  Such a kind and happy spirit- such a sweet smile to add a new and deep joy to all of my days.  He loves standing and jumping (assisted, of course).  Sitting is fine and all, but he tends to take a sideways dive after a few minutes.  
Six months has also found us leaving Bryce and Eli for more boy time.  It was like all of the sudden I started to feel attached and a bit crazy (just ask my mom- after I had way too much fun riding a four wheeler in Kentucky, she seemed a bit concerned for me.)  A few hours out here and there has been just what I needed.  Bryce loves adventures with a baby to the grocery store, so I am blessed in that way.  In so many ways!
Oh, and eating.  We are eating a bit here and there... and Eli likes food just fine- just like his parents.  Just wait until he finds out about hamburgers. And Kettle Chips.

1 comment:

Will Faircloth said...

He's just too cute! I'm glad I'll get my Eli fix soon!