Thursday, October 30, 2008

Maybe we can make a change.

I usually try to focus my blogging on the visual... but this morning I'm moved to say: maybe we can make a change. I'm not talking about the election, though I do encourage everyone to vote. I'm talking about the minute by minute choices we make and the systems each of us set up in our lives that guide our paths. I know this world is broken, things are not as they should be. But there is glory in this world as well, we can all feel it... a thing cannot be wrong unless a right exists. 

Here is a picture of a tomato I grew. I just picked six ripe ones the size of my fist... in late October. And it's been cold too... I think the manure from Mam-maw's farm is responsible for the incredible harvest we've had.
Here is Beth and Eli enjoying the bounty.
Don't think the garden and these two aren't connected in my mind.
There is glory in this world.

1 comment:

Melissa O. said...

Very nice post at an appropriate time. Puts a lot of things into perspective. I hope you all are doing well, and from your pictures it looks as if you are! Take care!