Monday, November 24, 2008

Lovely Livi Indeed!

Eli and I met Sonya and Livi (8 months) for lunch last week. 
I've been friends with Sonya since 6th grade, when her parents would take us all over TN in their suburban with a big ol' camper hitched on the back.  We got into some very odd predicaments in many a campround across our fair state... I would always have a dirty bum OR fall in the lake or creek, Sonya busted her face on some roller blades, Jamie (not pictured) peed her pants in many an idyllic setting, and we all pretended to smoke to get this terrible guy to talk to us...

Times have changed, yet Sonya is STILL surprised if I wear dangly earrings or use lip gloss. Livi looks just like her daddy (and her dad gives Sonya the exact look pictured above as well)... who knew that Drason would be so cute as a little girl?  That's a compliment by the way...  Thanks for the fun times, past and present, Sonya!

1 comment:

sonya said...

fun times! i laughed friday nite after i realized how many hours we sat there... i lose track of time so easily... especially in the company of good friends. loved catching up & spending time with elijah... thanks.
p.s. i'm stealing these pics to post on my blog today...