Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Soak up Autumn!

We went to a cabin this weekend in north Georgia with some Atlanta friends we don't see enough.  Four families came (though Clare and Esme were surely missed) and we added up to one set of newlyweds, seven adults, 2 almost-three-year-olds, one almost-2-month-old and one bun in the oven (not my oven... is it necessary for me to make that clear?)  We had good food, good conversation (though the menfolk DEFINITELY interrupted our interesting talk... to be continued, ladies) and good time with rowdy little boys.
Not sure who let Bryce pick the hike... it was a bit steep, but gorgeous.  Eli's second hike.
We had a hearty sing-a-long.  Clay brought some songbook from the seventies that had a strange mix of hymns and folk songs and "other."  Proud Mary and Kum-Ba-Ya were on the same page.
Eli made some new friends, Staughty and Jack.  Staughty will have a brother or sister in May (or June?) and the way he loved on Eli was a good portent.  I just wanted to use that word.  Katie will tell me if I used it incorrectly. 

The morning before we left.
Obligatory Family Portrait.  I like how the light is shining on angel baby.


Tasha said...

Y'all. Your family and new puppy are gorgeous!

katie Chapman said...

ha.. i dont even know what portent is... so im assuming youre right! i have been thinking about our conversation and we need to continue it ASAP!