Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reading with Baby

... not reading TO baby, mind you.  Neither of these books would be appropriate for his young mind.  Pillars of the Earth is entirely too tawdry (and I am ready to be finished with it!)  Bryce was especially excited about the post-apocalyptic father/son journey in The Road, and I think he would highly recommend it. But not to Elijah for another fifteen years or so.


sonya said...

oh beth.. he looks so forelorn... in the first pic he has given up and buried his head in his arm & then with you he looks bored to tears... why are you ever reading a book that thick?

Mary Beth said...

hey it's mary beth clare's pal...and yours :) just wanted to say i don't know your friend sonya but her comment sounded straight out of little women to me- my fave movie (winona ryder version) . it made me smile.
love and christmas awe to you!