Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanks for the Giving

Have I mentioned how much I like Thanksgiving?  It is by far my favorite holiday, so much better than my birthday.  Just tons of family and tons of food- what more could you ask for?  Our family really does it right.  Cousins and Uncles and Aunts come from across the street and across the state and from Wisconsin and North Carolina and stay the whole weekend. 

 And there is a whole new generation taking over!  I can't wait for Elijah to play with his Eichholz cousins.  Isn't it odd that two of the Gordon girls have married Eich-men? Those four kids from the great white north keep us hopping (and doing lots of other silly things) and are truly precious people... we love them so much!  I am so thankful for my family... odd as we may be.

Haere are two of my greatest blessings.  Such handsome men!

Wee Bethany is such a little bird.  Notice that both of us Beths have "stripes" (what she calls braids.)
And birds MUST have fabulous manicures.

Mamaw was very serious about getting time with her great-grandson.  If a few hours went by and she had not held him, she would go and hunt him down. Then we would find her teaching him some new songs about going to the woods to eat worms.

Mom works all weekend to make sure that we are all well fed and that the dishwasher is always running.  She just doesn't know that she means so much to so many people.
Ben and his brother Wyatt are the coolest little men.  They are definitely going to have to show Eli the ropes.  Wyatt will explain for him the way it all works, in detail, and Ben can show him what is worth eating!

Wyatt and Ben love some cousin Katie! Here they have in hand their favorite toys of the weekend... our cell phones. Later Wyatt made a phone out of legos and was texting the president.

Sarah and Bethany are peas in a pod.  Both are firecrackers of fun and both have smiles like a lightbulb.

It has been a while since Dad has been in his chair with two little girls on his knee... I've known for a while that he would be a stupendous grandfather from watching him with these Eich-kids. 


breezy said...

i'm so sad i missed the gordon thanksgiving. especially those little eichholz boys. the holiday just didn't feel the same without an all day, nearly doomed ropeswing hanging project.

sonya said...

oh such fun! is bethany amy's little girl? missed yoo-hoo'ing to you this year... rats... we will shoot for christmas, ok?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting these pictures up, and for the nice things you said about the Eich-kids. We had a great time in TN for Thanksgiving, and we love you guys just as much, especially the new little addition!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I cried my way to Kentucky missing you guys. ( I might have cried the whole way home, but the snowstorm in IL and WI was a bit distracting.) Some things never change - I can't get enough of time with my dear cousins. It is even worse now that I know firsthand just how perfectly snuggly and sweet Dear Boy is. It was so wonderful to all be together! I love you guys! I had almost forgotten about the ropeswing extravaganza.