Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, I have been trying on bread-baking for size.  It has always seemed so complicated to me, but my desire to not drive to Publix for good pizza dough along with $4 for good bread at Kroger made me want to give it a whirl.  Really, it isn't complicated at all, you just need to be sort of around your house for 4 or 5 hours while it goes through its stages (mixing, rising, shaping, rising, baking).
I have been learning from There are lessons that teach you how to bake the most basic of bread, then how to play around with the ingredients, rise time, oven temperature, etc.  

The pros of baking your own bread are: cheap bread, getting to eat it straight out of the oven with lots of butter (we lost a whole loaf this way one night), feeling so old-world and quaintly domestic that you want to sit and tat while your bread rises.  

The cons are as follows: flour and water can be very hard to get off of things once they get gluey.... so clean up has to be constant and.... that is the only con I can think of.  Working on a schedule can be annoying to me, but so far it seems like it can be so flexible that it really isn't a big deal.

All that to say, I think I will try a whole-wheat loaf this afternoon to go with some turkey soup.  Baby it's cold outside!


Deborah Barnett said...

I have you guys on my Blog Roll. It shows just your name and title of your latest blog. So, this morning, when I read the title, for some reason I read "Eichelbreeder"... and thought you were announcing that you made another baby. :o) Good thing I read the blog and didn't start telling everyone! :o)

ps... naan and pita are pretty easy to make and are really tasty right out of the oven... brushed with a little olive oil. mmmm....

Ariana said...

Ooooo. I make our bread too, but cheat and use the breadmaker! I traded our fondue pot for one.

Today was fun!